Professional Development


Setting SMART Business Goals for the Upcoming Year

By MBO Partners

Conducting a year-end business review is a valuable practice as an independent contractor. Taking stock of your accomplishments over the past months, reviewing your network contacts, and setting goals for the upcoming year can help you identify gaps in your business offerings, keep your back office organized, and uncover new ways to grow and evolve….


6 Ways to Find Work When Business is Slow

By MBO Partners

As the holiday season approaches, it’s common to find business slowing down. Many clients will take time off for the holidays and prospective clients may not want to start a project until the new year. But it’s important to keep in mind that other businesses may have budgets that need to be spent by the…

happy consultant

10 Things to do When Business is Slow

By MBO Partners

When business is slow, there can be many factors at play. It might be the time of year for your industry, the holiday season, changing consumer trends, or a sign your pipeline needs a boost. As an independent professional, work can ebb and flow from month to month. One day you may be swamped with…

Online Learning

Education Options to Grow Your Skills and Your Business

By MBO Partners

Continuous learning is important for any professional. For an independent professional operating a solo business, it’s a must. In addition to continuing to hone skills in your area of expertise, and even expand that area, you must understand how to operate a company, including how to market, how to budget, and how to manage finances….


At a Career Crossroad? Be a Solution Solver 

By MBO Partners

Volatility has become the norm in global markets and economies. In the U.S., the Federal Reserve is addressing inflation for the first time in over 20 years. The pandemic, war, and supply chain issues are some of the other factors keeping things in flux. In the workplace, companies and workers are responding in their own…

consultant working

11 Business Books to Read in 2023

By MBO Partners

Business books can be a great source of inspiration or much-needed guidance. Whether you’re just starting your independent career or you’re an experienced consultant, there is always something to learn. As you progress through this year, keep a book on hand for when you need to take a break, or tune into a podcast on…

Independent business owner planning for growth

5 Steps to Jump-Start Small Business Growth in 2023

By MBO Partners

The end of 2022 is steadily approaching. Soon we will be in January with post-holiday activities revving up across the business world. Planning for the future is an important part of business management, but it’s a task that can often get pushed to the end of the list as an “I’ll do it later” item….

Home podcaster

6 Thought Leadership Strategies for Consultants

By MBO Partners

In our social media dominated world of today, anyone with a Twitter account or a blog can call themselves an “expert” on any given subject. And that makes it tough to rise above the noise to reach current and prospective clients with your message. However, by establishing true thought leadership and experienced-based innovative thinking, you…


How to Build Resilience Skills as an Entrepreneur

By MBO Partners

Starting and growing your own business can be a winding and difficult road. Achieving sustainable success requires grit, discipline, and stamina to deal with all of the uncertainties that come with the job. That’s why resilience is such a critical skill. When you encounter setbacks or disappointments, it is important to be able to come…


Tips for Developing and Maintaining Resilience Skills in Your Daily Life

By Jessica Glazer

Leaders today need to be ready to face a range of uncertain possibilities and disruptions. This is especially true for those leading their own companies or working as independent consultants, as each day brings complex and ambiguous challenges for which no easy solution exists. Sound familiar? As an independent consultant, it is essential that you…