Professional Development


How to Become a Self Employed Consultant: 5 Steps to Starting Right

By MBO Partners

While becoming an independent contractor may sound great, you might not feel 100% ready. Being confident in your decision is important, and luckily there’s a lot you can do to prepare for self-employment so you feel completely informed in your choice. Building a strong networking base, preparing financially, and establishing the unique services you bring…


Transitioning to Self Employment: Advice from Consultant Wade Forbes

By Wade Forbes

In 2017,  Wade Forbes, a cyber security contractor, transitioned from a traditional corporate work role to independent consulting. Now, he takes pride in the fact that the relationships he forms with clients are a true representation of his hard work. “In the past, someone would tell my boss, ‘Hey, Wade is great,’ and that would…


4 Learning Agility Skills that Will Help You Succeed

By MBO Partners

Apply the four key components of learning agility to continually grow and improve your business.

consultants at table

3 Non Verbal Communication Skills to Improve Sales

By MBO Partners

Whether you’re meeting with a potential client for the first time, giving a presentation about the services you offer, or leading a project kickoff meeting, non-verbal communication skills are incredibly important. Your actions give meaning to your words, and your movements subtly indicate your thoughts, feelings, and personality to the person you are speaking with. In sales,…

Independent worker

How to Be Your Own Boss

By MBO Partners

One of the biggest perks of becoming an independent professional is getting to be your own boss. While there are a lot of rewards that come with this power, being the No. 1 decision maker is not always easy. Those that thrive as independent professionals often have key traits that contribute to their success. Follow…

consultant tips

10 Valuable Skills Consultants Need to Succeed

By MBO Partners

Keeping your skills and knowledge current is important to remain competitive as an independent professional. As the workforce landscape continues to evolve, your skills will need to do so as well. By forming these abilities now, you won’t be caught off guard by future needs and requests from clients. Here are 10 skills for the…

open innovation

11 Ways to Develop Skills and Knowledge for Work

By MBO Partners

Continuously developing your knowledge and skills is important to futher your career and ensure that your level of expertise is up to date.  Whether it is becoming familiar with new technology or developing soft emotional intelligence skills, professional development should be a priority. It’s also a a great way for you to stand out from…

things to do on Fridays

5 Things You MUST Do Before Logging Off On Friday

By MBO Partners

Meet MBO’s brilliant, exceptional employees. Each month we feature a new individual apart of our unique team and give you the story behind one of their greatest strengths in both their professional and personal life.


Independent Business Owner Advice Based On Your Enneagram

By MBO Partners

For more than 25 years, MBO has led the charge to keep the independent economy moving forward. And now we are thrilled to give you advice based specifically on your enneagram type. Unsure what your number is? Take the quiz from the Enneagram Institute and discover your strengths and weaknesses. As an Independent Business owner,…


5 Reasons NOT to Hire An Executive Coach

By Melisa Liberman

In today’s post, Melisa Liberman, an executive coach specializing in tech leaders, offers actionable tips from her own experience as both a “coach” and a “coachee” to help independent professionals considering coaching for future career growth or career transition. Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt (former CEO of Google) have both advised that “everyone needs a coach.”…