Professional Development

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Top Business Books to Read in 2018

By MBO Partners

As an independent, professional development is a key part of keeping your skills and knowledge current, standing out from your competition, and growing your business. While it’s easy to turn to the internet for a quick question or in-depth research, books are a valuable way to learn from top leaders, broaden your perspective, and gain industry insight….

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Five Work-Life Balance Questions for Jae Ellard

By MBO Partners

Jae Ellard is an author, speaker, and founder of Simple Intentions, a company that helps people develop the skill of awareness—the ability to see the world and how you show up in it—in the workplace. Ellard believes that being aware of your behavior allows you to become more present and accountable in all other parts of your…

consultants working in office

Cultivating a Leadership Network

By MBO Partners

Working as an independent professional means that you get to be your own boss, set your own hours, create your own goals—you can do most of your work all on your own! However, being a successful independent professional requires developing and cultivating a strong network and establishing key relationships with others. Having strategic connections and…


10 Business Books to Read if You’re a Consultant

By MBO Partners

Professional development is all about making the right connections, but it’s important to achieve the right balance. Garnering the right attention to who you know while honing your craft and what you know is essential to properly packaging your expertise and services. Last fall, we shared Six Business Books Independent Consultants Must Read. This post continues to be one…

consultants talking and looking at tablet

New Year, New You: Creating, Maintaining and Growing Your Independent Business

By MBO Partners

Plan for success this year and beyond with executive leadership coach Bonnie Moore, CEO of Moore Lead & Learn, LLC. Moore covers basic principles of self-awareness and self-evaluation before exploring easily applicable methods to improve networking, and presentation and personal interactions to serve the needs of your business both now and in the future. She…

man eating while working

Six Business Books Independent Consultants Must Read

By MBO Partners

As the saying goes, it’s not what you know, but who. The same concept can be applied to professional development– it’s not only what you know, but who you present to your clients and the world by how you package your services, products or insights. Putting your best foot forward in the workplace can include topics as mundane as…