Business Management

independent worker

3 Ways to Build More Flexibility as an Independent Worker

By MBO Partners

The vast majority of independent professionals pursue their path because of the choice and control it offers them. In fact, the top reasons workers say they decided to become independent are a desire to control their schedule, greater work/life flexibility, and being able to work on projects they like. But as you likely know from…


5 Reasons NOT to Hire An Executive Coach

By Melisa Liberman

In today’s post, Melisa Liberman, an executive coach specializing in tech leaders, offers actionable tips from her own experience as both a “coach” and a “coachee” to help independent professionals considering coaching for future career growth or career transition. Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt (former CEO of Google) have both advised that “everyone needs a coach.”…


How to Maintain Communication and Connection When Working from Home

By MBO Partners

Working remotely comes with many great benefits. It’s no wonder that 70 percent of the workforce operates out of a home office at least one day per week. When working from home, you have full control over where you work, how you work, and when your work gets done. But all of these positive aspects can…


Small Business Insurance Coverages, Endorsements, and Exclusions

By Bunker

If you’re an independent professional, you’ve likely gotten a contract that required business insurance. While the flexibility and autonomy of working independently are a large part of what draws so many people away from the traditional W-2 lifestyle, they also means you have to navigate the complicated world of business insurance on your own. Liability…


5 Tips for Managing a Small Business from a Home Office

By MBO Partners

Managing your independent business from a home office offers a lot of flexibility and the opportunity to save on many traditional costs. You’re able to scale up or down as needed, take advantage of certain tax breaks, work during ideal hours, and invest your time where you see fit. However, it can also be challenging…

digital nomad

7 Travel Tips for Road Warrior Independents

By MBO Partners

The MBO Partners 2022 2022 Digital Nomads research study found that 16.9 million American workers currently describe themselves as digital nomads, increasing 9% from 2021 and a staggering 131% from the pre-pandemic year 2019. With such an increase the life of the self-employed “road warrior” has many twists and turns. How one navigates the travel-heavy…


6 Tips to Successfully Manage a Consulting Business

By MBO Partners

When you start a new business you have to take on many new responsibilities, including administrative duties. As an independent consultant, you’ve chosen a field or industry where you have experience and expertise. While much of your time and energy will be spent working on projects for your clients, there is also  a fair amount…

work from home

5 Ways to Stay Productive When Working Remotely

By MBO Partners

Flexibility in where and how you work is one of the major benefits of independent work, but it can also be a challenge. Even if you have a great home office setup, staying productive and motivated throughout the day doesn’t always come easily—especially if you are used to working in an office with more daily…

virtual assistant

How to Work Effectively with a Virtual Assistant

By MBO Partners

As a small business owner, you’ve likely encountered moments when you feel overworked, stressed, or struggle to stay on top of your workload. Trying to grow a business is hard work, but taking on too many projects can quickly result in burnout. A virtual assistant can be a useful way to alleviate this burden by…


5 Ways to Communicate Effectively with Big Clients

By MBO Partners

When you work with a big client, there’s the potential for higher-value contracts, name recognition, and steady work. Once you land that coveted contract, client relationship management will become a part of your daily routine. You’ll quickly learn that consistent, thorough, and open communication is the key to project success. By prioritizing communication with clients,…