Business Management


How to Create a Contingency Plan for Small Business: 4 Steps

By MBO Partners

For many in the business world, a common saying is: “If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.” This saying rings particularly true for small business owners who often have to carefully balance each aspect of their business—especially in unforeseen situations. Whether you’re sidelined by a family emergency, unavailability of resources, or other…


Year End Small Business Review Checklist

By MBO Partners

If you are an independent contractor, consultant, or solopreneur, the end of the year is a great opportunity to review results, evaluate business assets and expenses, assess relationships, and create a plan to excel in the new year. Use this handy checklist to keep yourself on track. 1. Wrap Up Financial To-Dos If you operate…

Home podcaster

6 Thought Leadership Strategies for Consultants

By MBO Partners

In our social media dominated world of today, anyone with a Twitter account or a blog can call themselves an “expert” on any given subject. And that makes it tough to rise above the noise to reach current and prospective clients with your message. However, by establishing true thought leadership and experienced-based innovative thinking, you…


10 Ways to Prepare Your Business for the Holidays

By MBO Partners

Avoid a slump in business by using these tips to keep new projects coming in over the holidays.

Leading a meeting

8 Steps to Plan a Successful Project Kickoff Meeting

By MBO Partners

Whatever the initiative that’s getting underway, a project kickoff meeting is essential to success. Putting time and energy into turning your kickoff from “just a meeting” into a motivating, action-oriented session can pay big dividends over the course of the project. Your kickoff needs to fit the type of project being launched. Examples include: Internal…

consultant management

5 Small Business Certifications to Consider

By MBO Partners

Small business certifications can help differentiate your company and provide access to federal contracts, specialized funding, and new networking opportunities. Here are five certifications to consider pursuing.

consultant with paper work

6 Ways to Save Time and Money as a Consultant

By MBO Partners

No matter what line of work you are in, time is valuable.  To an independent consultant, time is money.  Finding creative ways to save time can add up—a few minutes here and there can accumulate into hours of time saved and can reduce stress.  Being efficient keeps you on top of your game, and in…

consultants smiling at table

3 Difficult Subjects You May Need to Discuss with Clients

By MBO Partners

The key to a successful independent contractor-client relationship is communication. Both parties need to be able to freely discuss thoughts, ideas, needs, and changes related to the project at hand. However, some topics can be difficult or uncomfortable to bring up. Here is our advice on how to address three touchy subjects with clients. 1. Money Money…


How to Develop Learning Agility as an Independent Professional

By George Hallenbeck

Learning agility is an essential skill for independent professionals. Learn the core behaviors of this skill and how to apply it to your business.


3 Billing Challenges Consultants Face and How to Overcome Them

By MBO Partners

Billing clients is an important part of your job as an independent professional. Without a good system in place to track your hours and bill your clients, the financial side of your business can quickly get messy and stressful. If you’re just starting out, you’ll want to ensure you are charging the right amount for…