Business Management


6 Ways to Grow Your Independent Consulting Practice

By MBO Partners

Growing your business can take many different forms. If you have a few projects under your belt and a reliable pipeline of clients, you might have your eye on future growth. Maybe you want to maximize your profit next year, or add employees and start to build a larger entity. Regardless of your specific goals…


3 Ways to Build Small Business Credit

By MBO Partners

Build business credit for your small business by following these three essential steps.


How to Write a Consulting Contract: 6 Best Practices

By MBO Partners

Contract writing is an important part of your business as an independent professional. A contract defines the work you agree to do for a client and also provides you with legal protection.  Contract negotiation can be an intimidating part of starting a new project but setting up this legal framework will help protect you in…

Consultant working on laptop

5 Business Management Strategies for Small Business Owners

By MBO Partners

Creating and implementing successful business management strategies are key to sustainable growth in your business. There are many aspects, from back-office tasks like handling finances, paying the right taxes, and writing contracts to staying organized and delivering quality work.  If there’s a particular aspect of management that is lacking in your business, it’s worth taking…

consultant shaking hands

How to Negotiate a Consulting Contract: 5 Steps

By MBO Partners

In any business agreement, use of a written contract is highly recommended. Contracts provide clarity, establish a relationship, and offer protection to all parties. For these reasons, many independent professionals wisely insist on using written contracts for every client project. In some cases, you may use your own contract, but clients will generally create and…


6 Project Management Tips for Independent Contractors

By MBO Partners

There’s no getting around it—project management is a core competency for any successful solo consultant. In addition to your specialized expertise, the success of client engagements and your business requires effective results and milestone management. If this isn’t one of your strengths, don’t worry. There are many ways to enhance project management capabilities through education,…


5 Business Negotiation Tips for Independent Professionals

By MBO Partners

Negotiating business deals is one of the most essential skills you can develop as an independent professional. If handled correctly, negotiations can solidify client relationships, set your project up for success, and help you grow your business. If handled incorrectly, you may compromise on something that is ultimately bad for your business, fail to protect yourself…

consultant working

10 Ways to Make More Money as a Consultant

By MBO Partners

Growing your revenue stream is important as an independent professional. It can be easy to get caught up in the cycle of finding a client, completing a project, getting paid, and then repeating the process. While constantly being on the lookout for new projects and new clients comes with the territory of being an independent,…

Celebrating business success

5 Dimensions that Impact Corporate Agility

By MBO Partners

The Merriam-Webster online dictionary offers two definitions of agile: Marked by the ready ability to move with quick easy grace Having a quick, resourceful, and adaptable character In the context of an enterprise, the terms “ready ability,” “quick,” “resourceful,” and “adaptable” accurately describe corporate agility. Along with many other business pundits, we consistently emphasize corporate…

consultant working

Bill Rate vs Pay Rate: What’s the Difference?

By MBO Partners

Pay rate and bill rate are easily confused. They both factor into the decision of how much you should charge for your services as an independent contractor, consultant, freelancer, etc. When negotiating with a client at the start of a consulting project, make sure you are clear on your rates, and if you are discussing…