Business Management


How to Eliminate Your Back-Office Burden as a Self-Employed Professional

By MBO Partners

Back-office management consists of all of the administrative and support tasks that need to be done to run your business. This includes filing paperwork, tracking expenses, filing taxes, and billing clients. In addition to your daily project work, business management tasks can take up a lot of your time. Luckily, there are many options available…


How to Manage Work Overload as an Independent Contractor

By MBO Partners

Clients are a crucial part of your business success as an independent professional. Without clients, you would have no work, and therefore no income. Sounds like you should work with as many people as possible, right? Not so fast. There are two reasons why having too many clients can be a problem. 1. Taking on…


How to Overcome Barriers to Landing New Work

By MBO Partners

One of the most challenging parts of running your own business is landing new opportunities. Referrals can be a great way to gain new work, but it’s up to you to find the right people in your network, create strong relationships, and connect with them to find out what’s happening and how you can get involved….

small business

3 Key Steps to Take Before Starting a Consulting Business

By MBO Partners

More than ever before, the ability to be self-employed is on a lot of people’s minds there were 64.6 million independent workers in 2022.  Independence offers the opportunity for greater flexibility, increased career satisfaction, and even the chance to earn more money—so, there’s a lot to be excited about. However, making the leap to self-employment…

consultant with client

6 Things You Should Never Say to a Client

By MBO Partners

As an independent, you are out there on the front lines—especially when it comes to dealing with a client. Often there is no buffer between you and the person offering you the opportunity for a project. No manager, no HR, no accounting department—just two parties hashing out the details. Such close quarters can present many…


4 Tips for Hiring Your First Employee

By MBO Partners

Self employed professionals are often drawn to their career path because of the ability to work when and where they like, enjoy complete control over their work, and help their business reach its full potential. However, many independents who realize success will find that at a certain point taking their business to the next level will require more…


How to Build Collaborative Teams of Independent Professionals

By MBO Partners

Finding a way to grow as a small business owner can be a challenge. Teaming up with another independent professional is a great solution—a partnership can bring new skills to the table, help you manage your workload, or even land that big project you’ve had your eye on. Once you’ve decided to partner with another…

morning coffee

4 Self-Care Tips to Practice When Working Remotely

By MBO Partners

While there are many benefits to working from home—minimal cost of setup, no commute to the office, a flexible daily schedule—it doesn’t come without its challenges. There are distractions around every corner, it can be hard to shut down and stop working at the end of the day, and it can be lonely. If you…

open innovation

11 Ways to Develop Skills and Knowledge for Work

By MBO Partners

Continuously developing your knowledge and skills is important to futher your career and ensure that your level of expertise is up to date.  Whether it is becoming familiar with new technology or developing soft emotional intelligence skills, professional development should be a priority. It’s also a a great way for you to stand out from…

things to do on Fridays

5 Things You MUST Do Before Logging Off On Friday

By MBO Partners

Meet MBO’s brilliant, exceptional employees. Each month we feature a new individual apart of our unique team and give you the story behind one of their greatest strengths in both their professional and personal life.