Manage a Small Business

Melisa Liberman

ThinkLikeABoss: 6 Questions To Determine If You’re Undercharging as an Independent Consultant

By MBO Partners

Do you already know you’re undercharging as an independent consultant? Most consultants do know they could be undercharging but aren’t sure how to pinpoint the exact ways and amounts they’re undercharging. In today’s post, I share the six questions you can ask to figure out if you’re undercharging as an independent consultant. With this knowledge,…

consultant meeting

How to Boost the ROI of Your Client Meetings

By MBO Partners

As a self-employed professional, the right relationships can make or break your business. Not knowing where your next project or client is coming from can be a source of stress that takes the fun out of what you love to do. That’s why your relationships—the people you surround yourself with—are such an important part of building…

consultant at desk

6 Habits of Highly Effective Entrepreneurs

By MBO Partners

There are many paths to become a successful independent professional, but there are several key stepping stones that can put you on the path to success. Here are six habits to keep in mind if you are considering going independent, or if you feel like something is missing from your routine that’s keeping you from…


How Consultants Can Successfully Work with Remote Clients

By MBO Partners

As an independent professional, you likely work remotely with the majority of your clients. The ability to work from where you want is a big advantage of running your own business—one that can provide greater flexibility, and save you time and cost of travel expenses. That said, it can also be more difficult to establish…


6 Habits of Successful Consultants

By MBO Partners

When you manage your own business, it can often feel like a full-time job in and of itself—and that’s before you’ve even started working on client projects. However, the most successful small business owners know that prioritizing the financial health of their company is a smart investment of their time. There are many fixed costs…

personal time

How to Take Control of Your Personal Time as a Consultant

By MBO Partners

When you’re self-employed, one of the biggest perks is the ability to control when, where, and how you work. But running your own business also takes a lot of dedication. Finding a balance between your work and personal life is often easier said than done. If you find yourself getting stressed out or working long hours…

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Filing Self Employed Taxes: What You Need

By MBO Partners

Independent business owners file taxes differently than traditional, W-2 employees. If this is your first time managing taxes as an independent contractor, don’t worry. It may feel a bit complicated at first but you’ll get the hang of it soon enough! Below, we answer all your questions about paying taxes as a self-employed professional. What…

consultants at work

The “2-Minute Rule” Pays Dividends If You Live By The “Time = Money” Mantra

By MBO Partners

Emails, phone calls, walk-by meetings, instant messages…things often have a way of, well, getting in the way of your work. How can help you prioritize, juggle, and check-off things from your ever-growing to-do list? The looming danger of procrastination is a reality all workers, independents and employees, tackle every day. Enter: The 2-Minute Rule. Simply…


7 Techniques To Help You Work Smarter, Not Harder (Whether You’re Self Employed or Not)

By MBO Partners

Learn the 7 tools That’ll Help You Work Independently


How to Develop Thought Leadership when Self Employed

By MBO Partners

To be seen as a trusted leader in your industry, it is important to cultivate thought leadership. Creating content and finding your own voice are good first steps. However, a big portion of thought leadership development is dedicated to having a presence—both physical and virtual—in the ongoing conversation within your area of expertise. Becoming a thought leader…