Workforce Engagement

happy consultants

3 Trends Affecting the Next Generation FMS

By John Jantsch

The modern enterprise understands the glaring need – and associated pressures of – engaging the best independent contractor for your project. The systems by which the independent workforce is managed often referred to as a Freelancer Management System (FMS), has drastically evolved in recent years. Here are the key components that have led to this…

consultants talking

How the Human Capital Market is Similar to the Financial Market

By John Dahlberg

Understanding the dynamics of the marketplace is helpful for any business seeking to develop strategies to maximize the value of independent contractors. To help describe the “human capital” market, a parallel can be drawn to financial markets and the basic elements of managing investments. Whether you’re building your personal portfolio or executing a strategic business…


5 Contingent Workforce Market Trends

By Mark Stringer

I’ve not written any content for a while. It’s been extremely busy here and unintentionally this part of my responsibility has lapsed. Whilst I am far from a great creator of content—it always takes me longer than most to create it—I do actually quite enjoy the process. It forces me to take time and sit…


10 Do’s and Don’ts to Follow when Working with Independent Contractors

By MBO Partners

If you’re looking to engage a top independent contractor for your next project, there are a few tips and best practices to keep in mind. Follow these simple steps to ensure project success! DO THIS NOT THIS Develop job descriptions tailored to the independent contractor audience Market the project scope in addition to the desired…

Presenting to decision makers

4 Ways to Increase Your Return on Investment Using Contractors

By John Dahlberg

More companies are incorporating independent contractors into their talent strategy and they do so because there is a significant return on investment for doing so. Here’s why. There are a variety of dynamics and nuances at play when it comes to managing the lifecycle of independent talent, but there three components that all investments share:…


How to Streamline Onboarding Independent Talent

By John Dahlberg

There are many dynamics at play when it comes to managing the lifecycle of independent talent. This lifecycle can best be described by three phases: Acquisition, Enablement, and Management. In my last post, I focused on the acquisition phase of the lifecycle, and today we will dive into the next element: enablement. Using the financial capital parallel, enablement is the second…


Financial Services Leader Uses Direct Sourcing to Cut Costs, Mitigate Risk (Case Study)

By MBO Partners

CASE STUDY Vertical: Financial Services | Type: Direct Sourcing Today’s talent comes in all shapes and sizes from traditional W-2 workers to contractors, freelancers, consultants, temporary workers and more. Whether your organization is just beginning to engage contingent workers or has been incorporating this segment of the workforce for some time, you’ve likely heard the…

successful consultant

5 Easy Ways to Improve Contingent Workforce Program Adoption Now

By McLean Robbins

At the last company I worked with, I was responsible for hiring freelance writers, editors, designers and, well, all things marketing related. I searched job boards and marketplaces to find the right talent, at the right cost, for the projects I had on the docket for the year. Then, I had to appeal to finance…

Successful ICs

How to Win the Great Realization: Adding Contingent Workers to Your Workforce Strategy

By MBO Partners

There has never been a better—or easier—time to engage contingent workers. More than 64.4 million Americans are now working as independents. That number is up 69% from 2020, and it makes sense. People who work independently report being happier, healthier, and wealthier than their traditionally-employed counterparts. What’s more, some 68% say they’re more financially secure…

cyber security

Should Your Independent Contractors Have Cyber Insurance?

By Bunker

Cyber insurance helps protect your company from costly data breaches not covered by general or professional liability insurance. Learn the benefits of cyber insurance, what it protects, and why you should consider it if your company engages independent contractors.