Growing My Business


How Introverts Can Succeed in Consulting

By MBO Partners

What personality traits come to mind when you think of a successful independent consultant? Outgoing? Social? Extroverted? While those who are naturally inclined to networking and interacting with others may be at an advantage when it comes to self-promotion or meeting new people, it doesn’t mean that an introvert—or a shy extrovert—won’t be successful in building…


5 Lead Generation Tips for Independent Contractors

By MBO Partners

Leads are an essential component to every independent professional’s business. Whether you find leads through referrals, online marketing, or even cold calling, they are necessary to keep your business healthy and growing. That said, not all leads are equal. If you’re able to find a wealth of potential clients but none of them end up being qualified,…


5 Ways to Stay Agile and Embrace Change as a Small Business Owner

By MBO Partners

Staying agile is key to survival as an independent contractor in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. Embracing change can help you build a successful business when everything around you—client needs, trends, market demands, etc.—is changing. Here are five ways you can keep your business agile in the face of uncertainty. 1. Continuously Develop Skills Professional…

Successful freelancer

9 Growth Strategies for Your Small Business

By MBO Partners

Owning a small business means a seemingly endless number of tasks. From maintaining a pipeline of projects, running your back office, and drafting proposals, to holding client meetings and managing finances, the life of an independent professional is both busy and exciting. The continued growth and development of your business is an important goal to…

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3 Tips for Presenting a Winning Business Proposal

By MBO Partners

Presenting a business proposal to a new client or executive can be an intimidating task. As an independent contractor, you are constantly on the grind, looking for new business development opportunities. Often, this road to new business will take you through the C-suite and require a business proposal presentation. Here are three tips to help…


3 Sales Tips for Consultants: How to Close the Deal

By MBO Partners

You’re an expert in your industry, so it should be easy to sell your services, right? Not necessarily. Just because you’re knowledgeable and produce excellent results, if you haven’t developed effective sales skills, you may struggle to close deals. The good news is that, if you lack these skills, there are many things you can…


3 Benefits of Working with Big Clients as a Consultant

By MBO Partners

Why Consultants Work with Large Companies Big companies can afford to spend big money with small businesses, but pitching your services to a large enterprise can be daunting. However, if you know your market and have done your research, it is possible to refine your services to meet corporate demand. In fact, the number of…

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How to Future-Proof Your Business by Anticipating Market Trends

By MBO Partners

Future-proofing your independent business is essential for survival and growth, particularly as an independent contractor. Anticipating market trends can mean the difference between a thriving and growing, and one that just makes enough to get by. Today’s market moves quickly, so being prepared for change can help you weather the storm when it comes. Here…

consultant working at desk

5 Ways to Find Your Ideal Client as a Small Business

By MBO Partners

Finding new clients isn’t easy, and if a new client doesn’t quite fit the profile of who you want to work with it can take away from enjoying your work. To grow your business with minimal headaches and frustration, it’s important to find clients who align well with both the way you work as well…


11 Financial Management Terms Small Business Owners Need to Know

By MBO Partners

Managing finances for your business can be intimidating at first, but understanding the basics of what’s going on when it comes to your income, profit, and expenses—even if you enlist outside help—is an important part of your job. Many independents feel that they can earn more money working on their own, but in order to…