For Independent Professionals

mbo referrals

8 Ways to Get Client Referrals

By MBO Partners

Word-of-mouth can be a powerful marketing tool for independent contractors. When potential clients hear about your qualifications directly from people they know and trust, it lends credibility to your reputation. However, there’s an art to asking for and receiving referrals. Follow these eight tips to get client referrals and recommendations in the right way. 1….


9 Growth Strategies for Your Small Business

By MBO Partners

Owning a small business means your day is filled with a seemingly endless number of tasks. From maintaining a pipeline of projects, running your back office, and drafting proposals, to holding client meetings and managing finances, the life of an independent professional is both busy and exciting. The continued growth and development of your business…


These Attributes Make a Successful Open Innovation Solver 

By Keaton Swett

The world of open innovation is ready for more solvers to join in. If you have wondered if this is a world where you can be successful, here are some of the attributes that can lead to wins. With input directly from some of the top solvers in open innovation, they break into two categories:…


How to Plan a Successful Client Meeting: 5 Pro Tips

By MBO Partners

Client meetings can be stressful, uncomfortable, or intimidating. But leading a successful client meeting can help you build credibility and trust while landing a new project. Rather than approaching meetings with a sense of dread, think of them as an opportunity to brainstorm, collaborate, and progress your business. Find your motivation with these five tips…

consultant working

2 Back Office Management Tips for Consultants

By MBO Partners

Whether you’re just starting your small business or you’re a seasoned veteran, you’ll quickly learn that there’s a lot of planning involved. Initially, this planning will focus on choosing the services you will offer, finding and securing clients, and deciding where and how you will run your business. These are all important first steps and…


8 Essential Elements of a Professional Website

By MBO Partners

A professional website is a great way to spread brand awareness, boost your credibility, promote your services, and generate new client leads. As a small business owner, most of your competition is likely bigger businesses that have the marketing capital to advertise and reach out to more people. But a professional website can help even…

consultant working

The Role of Patrons in the Creator Economy

By MBO Partners

Content creators, one of the fastest-growing independent work segments in the US, monetize their knowledge and skills by creating and publishing online digital content. They are writers, artists, entertainers, videographers, social media influencers, educators, pundits, and thought leaders who publish across a range of online channels. Because digital content creation tools and distribution platforms are…

Online Learning

Education Options to Grow Your Skills and Your Business

By MBO Partners

Continuous learning is important for any professional. For an independent professional operating a solo business, it’s a must. In addition to continuing to hone skills in your area of expertise, and even expand that area, you must understand how to operate a company, including how to market, how to budget, and how to manage finances….


Working From Home: Pros and Cons for the Independent Contractor

By MBO Partners

Working from a home office is common for independent contractors, especially when you’re first starting your business. While working from home comes with great perks like flexibility and zero commute time, it also requires organization, self-discipline, and focus. While there are many work from home alternatives for the home office skeptic, it’s worth seeing what this low-cost…

consultant business

10 Legal Requirements for Starting a Small Business

By MBO Partners

Make sure your small business operates legally with all of the required licenses and permits.