For Independent Professionals


4 Expense Tracking Tips for Consultants

By MBO Partners

If you’ve been an independent contractor for more than a year, you know how fun it can be to gather up your expenses come tax time. This is definitely one of those times where an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of remedy. That’s why we’ve come up with four tips to help you…


How to Write a Consulting Contract: 6 Best Practices

By MBO Partners

Contract writing is an important part of your business as an independent professional. A contract defines the work you agree to do for a client and also provides you with legal protection.  Contract negotiation can be an intimidating part of starting a new project but setting up this legal framework will help protect you in…


Tax Planning Tips for Independent Contractors

By MBO Partners

Tax planning and preparation are important parts of your job as an independent contractor. Paying quarterly estimate taxes throughout the year is a good practice that helps eliminate a big tax burden and a possible fine at the end of the year. Quarterly payments are due on April 15, June 15, September 15, and January…


How to Plan for Retirement as an Independent Contractor

By MBO Partners

Are there retirement plans for independent contractors in today’s world? Traditional employees (usually) have a 401(k) or equivalent to help prepare for retirement. But when you run your own business, putting such a plan in place falls into your realm of responsibilities.  Thankfully, there are a ton of retirement plans for independent contractors. The right…


3 Productivity Tips for Small Business Owners

By MBO Partners

Boosting productivity is not so much a matter of time management as it is producing quality work within the time you have available. When you run your own business, it is important to maximize your most valuable resource—yourself. And that means squeezing every last drop of productivity from your day. It’s easy to schedule time…

Considering value

4 Tips to Convey Value to Your Clients and Prospects

By MBO Partners

What constitutes “value” to your clients and prospects? Are you simply assuming you know the answer to this question or is the answer based on reliable information? Grasping how clients perceive value is a crucial step in your business strategy. Value perception, a nuanced concept, can vary from company to company and even from person…

retired consultant

3 Reasons to Consider Consulting After Retirement

By MBO Partners

Consulting after retirement is an attractive option for many reasons, but doesn’t returning to a grueling work schedule defeat the very purpose of retirement? If you have years of experience in the workforce, there should be a way for you to contribute your expertise while still making the most out of your retirement. Going independent…


Top Certifications for Small Business Owners in 5 Key Skill Areas

By MBO Partners

Professional certifications can help you stand out from the competition and give clients a way to verify that you have the skills you say you have. When building your resume as an independent professional, certifications, a portfolio of past work, and strong recommendations can help paint a picture of your skills and services. Certifications can…


Hard Sell, Soft Sell: Finding the Right Blend

By MBO Partners

Understanding the differences between soft selling and hard selling is key to honing your sales technique. By grasping these differences and learning how to blend them, you can adapt your approach to various customer types and situations, enhancing your sales effectiveness. What is Hard Selling? Hard selling is the style most associated with “sales”  in…

Consultant working on laptop

5 Business Management Strategies for Small Business Owners

By MBO Partners

Creating and implementing successful business management strategies are key to sustainable growth in your business. There are many aspects, from back-office tasks like handling finances, paying the right taxes, and writing contracts to staying organized and delivering quality work.  If there’s a particular aspect of management that is lacking in your business, it’s worth taking…